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Facial Rejuvenation Before & After Gallery 1*

Neck Lift/Platysmaplasty

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* Patients individual results may vary.

Necklift Before And AfterNecklift Before & AfterNecklift Results

Neck Lift/Platysmaplasty Neck Lift F4


45-year-old female was presenting with laxity of skin on her neck, after weight loss, sun damage, and typical aging neck looseness. Patient desired a firmer neck and jowls. To address this issue, patient underwent a platysmaplasty, a neck lift. The procedure involved a neck lift that included SMAS plication to help recreate the jawline, and treat the neck laxity. 

Age: 50

Procedures Performed: Neck Lift

Technique: SMAS Plication Neck Lift


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